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Brownfield Development Strategies

Craig Berntson
August 09, 2018

Brownfield Development Strategies

We're probably familiar with the book "Working Effectively with Legacy Code" by my friend Michael Feathers. This is a great book that explains how to keep legacy code running. But how do we handle re-architecting legacy applications? This presentation gives some valuable techniques to enable your rearchitecting efforts.

Craig Berntson

August 09, 2018


  1. Author - Continuous Integration in .NET - .NET Curry Technical

    Speaker - North America - Europe .NET Architect / Engineer - HealthEquity
  2. TODAY’S AGENDA ❑ Define Brownfield ❑ Issues and challenges ❑

    Traditional development ❑ Layering ❑ Modern approaches
  3. BROWNFIELD vs GREENFIELD vs LEGACY Concern Greenfield Brownfield Legacy Project

    state Early development, new features New features and/or production maintenance Primarily maintenance. No new features Code maturity All code actively worked on Some new code; All code maintained for defects Little code developed except for defects Architectural review Reviewed and modified at all levels and times Only when significant changes requested Rarely if ever Practices and processes Developed as work progresses Mostly in place, but may not be working for the team/project Focused on critical defects Project team Newly formed Mix of old and new with fresh ideas and historical biases Very small, maintains status quo Unit Tests Close to 100% coverage May have some None
  4. ISSUES YOU MAY ENCOUNTER ❑ Pain points ❑ Friction ❑

    Challenge assumptions ❑ Client’s expectations ❑ Boss’s expectations ❑ Rewrite decisions
  5. CHALLENGES ❑ Technical factors ❑ Political factors ❑ Team morale

    ❑ Client morale ❑ Management morale ❑ Agent for change
  6. ECOSYSTEM ❑ Version control ❑ Continuous integration ❑ Automated testing

    ❑ Software metrics and code analysis ❑ Defect management
  7. AGILE PRINCIPLES ❑ Satisfy the customer ❑ Welcome change requirements

    ❑ Deliver working software frequently ❑ Business people and developers work together ❑ Build projects around motivated people ❑ Face-to-face conversation ❑ Working software is primary measure of success ❑ Sustainable development ❑ Technical excellence ❑ Simplicity ❑ Self-organizing teams ❑ Reflect then tune and adjust
  8. DEVELOPMENT TEAM ❑ Agile ❑ Cross-functional ❑ Keep it small

    ❑ Open-minded ❑ Passion to learn ❑ Empowered ❑ Failure is acceptable ❑ Work/Life balance ❑ Dedicated
  9. LAYERS - LOGICAL Views Controllers Service Layer Domain Model Repository

    Layer Etc. Presentation Tier Business Logic Tier
  10. ANTICORRUPTION LAYER ❑ Well defined contract ❑ Changes in one

    layer don’t affect calling code ❑ Expose only minimum required interface ❑ Decouples layers ❑ “Seams”
  11. VERTICAL LAYERS Presentation Layer Presentation Validation Layer De/Serialization Layer Application

    Service Layer Logging Layer Data Access Translation Layer Data Interface Layer Data Access Layer Performance Monitoring Layer User Validation and Authorization Layer Exception & Error Handling Layer
  12. Presentation Tier Domain Logic Tier Data Access Tier VERTICAL FUNCTIONALITY

    Customer Management Order Entry Inventory Management Invoicing
  13. Person’s perceptions and responses resulting from the use and or

    anticipated use of a product, system, or service - International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
  14. UX IS MORE THAN UI How screen is laid out

    Flow from textbox to textbox Flow from screen to screen Is data logically grouped Keyboard vs mouse navigation Verbiage, fonts, colors Whitespace Accessibility Sound
  15. You should focus on the domain, rather that the database,

    the servers, and the programming language. - “Brownfield Application Development in .NET”
  16. In a data-driven approach, the attributes of an object are

    discovered first and then responsibilities are meted out as a function of which object holds which data. A behavioral approach mandates the assignment of responsibilities first. Only when you are satisfied with the distribution of responsibilities among your objects are you ready to make a decision about what they need to know to fulfill those responsibilities and which parts of that knowledge they need to keep as part of their structure. - “Object Thinking”
  17. Responsibilities are not functions, although there is a superficial resemblance.

    Perhaps the easiest way to differentiate between a responsibility and a function is to remember that the former reflects expectations in the domain – the problem space – while the latter reflects an implementation detail in the solution space – the computer program. - “Object Thinking”
  18. SUB-DOMAINS Product Database Order Entry Inventory Management • Sale price

    • Item ID • Manufacturer • Description • Order Quantity • Item ID • Manufacturer / Reseller • In-stock Quantity • Reorder Quantity • Lead time
  19. MICROSERVICES ADVANTAGES ❑ Small, defined functionality ❑ Web API &

    JSON ❑ Less chance of introducing bugs ❑ Called asynchronously ❑ Easy to deploy ❑ Accessible to entire enterprise / application
  20. SERVERLESS ❑ You don’t allocate server ❑ Small units of

    code ❑ Cloud infrastructure handles scaling automatically ❑ Azure Functions / AWS Lambdas ❑ Best used for glue code vs. business code
  21. Web UI External Interfaces DB Controllers Use Cases Entities Enterprise

    Business Rules Application Business Rules Interface Adapters Frameworks & Drivers
  22. REVIEW ❑ Define Brownfield ❑ Issues and challenges ❑ Traditional

    development ❑ Layering ❑ Modern approaches