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Yo Dawg, an open letter to a future front end developer

Yo Dawg, an open letter to a future front end developer

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

What if you have to start today? What would you need to know in order to nail at front end development? This talk will explore with you the cornerstones of a craft that evolved in the last few years, but never left the basics behind and don’t give for granted you know them already, there are quite a few things that we are doing wrong: let’s forget what we know to start from scratch.

Marco Cedaro

May 14, 2015

More Decks by Marco Cedaro

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  1. css

  2. CONTENT STYLE BEHAVIOUR how we build for the web https://www.flickr.com/photos/joaoramos/5795966713

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  3. Progressive enhancement in its basic form means not making assumptions

    but start with the most basic thing and check every step on the way if we are still OK to proceed. Christian Heilmann
  4. Starting a basic website in 2015
 1. Install Node 2.

    Install Bower 3. Pick CSS framework 4. Pick responsive approach …
 47. Write some HTML
 @iamdevloper https://twitter.com/iamdevloper/status/517616294909464576

  5. We’ve fallen into the trap of talking about what “the

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  6. how do I build {{whatever}}? whatever “a responsive 

    “a 2 column 
 layout” “a vertical 
 centered div”